Winter has come! Take care of dry skin at home

 Winter has come! Take care of dry skin at home.

Over the next few months, you may need to take extra precautions, otherwise your skin will become very dry. Remember, your skin will gradually lose moisture with age, so wrinkles will appear if you do not take special care. The skin will wrinkle before the age, it can wrinkle Hopefully, with a little bit of awareness, it is possible to save yourself from this problem
Drink enough water to avoid dry skin:
If the body is not moist from the inside, its impression will be on the skin So drink enough water It is essential to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water a day You can also drink coconut water and fruit juice
1. Olive oil:
Olive oil is generally very effective for all skin types The fatty acids and antioxidants in it take care of the skin of the whole body, not just your face. Apply olive oil on the face and whole body half an hour before bathing After that, take a bath in lukewarm water and apply moisturizer Mix olive oil, brown sugar, and honey in such proportions as to form a thick cream-like ingredient, then apply this mixture lightly all over. Massage in a circular motion with a little pressure, it will lift all the dead cells in your body After that take a bath and apply a light moisturizer.

2. Yogurt / Milk:
Problems like irritation or itching are often seen on rough, dry, cracked skin Soak a soft cloth or cotton in a liter of cold yogurt or milk and apply it all over. Use this ointment for at least five minutes It will remove the irritation of the skin The effect of lactic acid present in yogurt or milk will make your skin glow Mix honey with raw milk Then apply it on your whole body before bathing This coating can also be made with yogurt When the coating is dry, wash it and take a bath

3. Aloe Vera:
Aloe vera is one such plant that grows very easily when planted in tubs Take an aloe vera leaf, cut it in half Take out the shell and apply it on the skin Irritation, itching will be reduced at the moment 6 Even minor infections are cured In addition to providing moisture, this layer of shell or gel forms a protective coating on your skin, so that contamination does not leave an impression on your skin.

4. Coconut oil:
In addition to the skin of the face and body, the ankles, knees and elbows also need special care, especially in winter. Otherwise they become rough and black First soak the skin of this part in water When the skin gets wrinkled, you will understand that it has got enough moisture Coconut oil usually freezes in winter Apply a thick layer of accumulated oil on moist skin Then go to bed wearing socks or long sleeve top or pajamas If you do it for several days in a row, you will understand the difference by yourself.

5. Oranges:
Vitamin C present in oranges prevents wrinkles The use of orange peel, sarbata, flour or besan paste has long been used as a form. Do not peel as many oranges as you eat this winter Leave it to dry in the sun You can use it later by powder.

6. Mayonnaise:
Strange as it may sound, mayonnaise is very effective in restoring skin moisture. However, mayonnaise usually contains salt, pepper, mustard powder, etc. to enhance the taste. Before adding these things, leave them for a while to use as a mask If not, the skin will react Mix a little baby oil with the mayonnaise that is made by blending egg yolks and oil. Then apply it on the face, neck, elbows and hands before bathing The smell of eggs is a little strong, there is no answer to this pack if you can tolerate it!

7. Honey and ripe bananas:
Blend ripe banana and honey together Apply on face like a poultice, then leave for 20-25 minutes, wash off and apply moisturizer. With regular use, the skin will get the necessary moisture, it will become soft and supple Ripe banana, honey and mustard paste can also be a very good remedy for dry skin. You can safely use honey with other packs

8. Almond oil:
Almond oil contains a lot of vitamin E and it brightens your skin and makes it smooth. The skin absorbs this oil very easily, but does not feel sticky Make a pack by mixing a few drops of almond oil and honey with aloe vera gel Apply on face and wait for 15-20 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water

9. Avocado:
পাবেনYou can find it in any fruit shop. The natural oil present in avocado relieves dryness of the skin and makes it soft and supple. With that, if you make a pack by mixing a little honey, then you will get better results.

10. Chocolate:
Caffeine present in chocolate brightens the skin At the same time, the fat of chocolate also works well as a moisturizer Melt the dark chocolate in the microwave oven Make a face pack by mixing honey with it while it is still warm Apply it on face, neck, neck and hands and wait for 15 minutes Make sure that there is no pack on the bottom of the eyes and around the lips Then turn your hands in a circular motion and massage your face, wash with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer.

What not to do:
II Do not bathe in excessively hot water for long periods of time, as it gradually loses moisture of the skin.
II Oil massage before bathing but must use moisturizer after bathing. Otherwise, the problem of dry skin will never decrease Apply moisturizer while the skin is slightly wet
II Very strong soap will take away the dryness of your skin Use a mild soap or soap free cleanser The skin can be cleansed very well with gram flour, lentil paste, rice powder etc. This precaution should also be followed when using a cleanser or scrubber
II Avoid alcoholic toners or any skincare products Using these, the skin's moisture content is stretched Avoid using mineral oils, artificial colors or scented products.
II Do not apply unnecessary sun on the skin, especially after 9 in the morning Use sunscreen Umbrellas, hats, sunglasses will also protect you from the sun When buying a lip balm, also choose something that has SPF 7
II Make changes to the diet Vitamin C and Magnesium should be in the diet If not, your skin will be confused Include fish, nuts, flaxseed or linseed, fruits, vegetables in your daily diet. Avoid spicy or fried foods Now it is winter, you can get good quality vegetables and fruits at your fingertips.

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