Semolina Pan Cake For Breakfast

Semolina  Pancakes

Semolina Pan Cake For Breakfast

A thin, flat cake with batter, fried on both sides in a pan and typically served with any kind of sweet like honey. You can use all-purpose flour but today I'm gonna show you by Semolina.

Semolina Pan Cake For Breakfast
It's an important source for strengthening bones as well as helping your muscles and nerves function, Semolina Pancakes include milk which is a source of calcium. Not difficult to make it. Must try at home.

Semolina Pan Cake For Breakfast

= Semolina = 1⁄2 cup.
= Water = 1 cup
= Milk = 1cup
= Egg = 2 nos
= Honey= 1⁄2 cup
= Baking soda = 1 teaspoon
= Canola oil= 1tablespoon
= Some seasonal mixed fruits for topings

Semolina Pan Cake For Breakfast


= Take a bowl and mix well Semolina, eggs, water, milk, honey, baking soda, and cinnamon in a bowl. It will be a beautiful thickened liquid. 
= Warm a pan and sprinkle oil over as high a heat you can without burning oil.
= Pour the liquid on the pan sizes are as much as you want.
= Once you can get your spatula under the cake without crumbling then it is safe to flip.
= Put on a plate and sprinkle some honer or cream or some of fruits as you like.

Semolina Pan Cake For Breakfast

Nutrition per 100 gm:
Carbohydrates =11.5 g
Fat = 3.9 g
Protein = 2.5 g


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